Japanese / English


論文の言語 英語
著者 Hannah Nolasco, Andrew Vargo, Marc Moreeuw, Toma Hara, Koichi Kise
論文名 Augmenting Sleep Behavior with a Wearable: Can Self-Reflection Help?
出版社 Augmented Humans 2024 (AHs24)
発表場所 Melbourne, Australia
発表の種類 ポスター発表
年月 2024年4月
要約 Wearable devices can have potential applications to intelligence augmentation by reducing the cognitive effort of maintaining healthy habits, but they are yet to be successful at substantially modifying behavior. This paper investigates this failure through an examination of how self-reflection impacts habit transformation and discusses potential solutions for encouraging data actionability.
DOI https://doi.org/10.1145/3652920.3653049