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- Date: January 1997 <--> December 1997
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- "Page Segmentation Using Thinning of White Areas"
- Trans. of IEICE, J80-D-II, 6, pp.1608-1616 (1997-6)
- Koichi Kise, Osamu Yanagida
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
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- "A Specification Description of Concurrent Systems Using Process Algebra and Modal Logic"
- Trans. IEICE, J80-D-I, 4, pp.411-414 (1997-4)
- Noriaki Izumi, Shinobu Takamatsu, Koichi Kise, Kunio Fukunaga
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
- --Detail--
Proceedings of International Conference
- "Document Image Segmentation as Selection of Voronoi Edges"
- Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Document Image Analysis, pp.32-39 (1997-6)
- Koichi Kise, Akinori Sato, and Keinosuke Matsumoto Reviewed
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- "画像・図と言語の統合"
- システム/制御/情報, 41, 12, pp.520-527 (1997-12)
- 黄瀬 浩一, 小島 篤博, 福永 邦雄
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- --Detail--